
How To Reduce The Risk Of Restaurant Equipment Failure?

Whether it’s a rush season or not, maintaining the equipment of a restaurant is super important, especially if you don’t want things to break down on you or the chefs at the last minute. So, you need commercial appliances repair experts to inspect your equipment regularly. Here is how you can manage restaurant equipment maintenance more easily and reduce the risk of failure at the worst time.

Keep It Organized

You need to keep a maintenance list. You may be thinking: what does it mean? Well, a maintenance list is a reference list for anyone who works in a restaurant and they can use this list as a guide as to which equipment needs attention immediately, what equipment is long overdue in maintenance, and which ones can go without maintenance for today.

This also gives the workers in the restaurant a bit of an idea as to how they can maintain said equipment, even if the manager or authoritative bodies are not there.

Be Quick In Action

The key to successful management of risk, when it comes to restaurant equipment, is the fact that you’re quick in action. You don’t want to sit around and wait for the equipment to break down on you. That’s not how risk management works in the food service world.

You or the concerned expert need to be on their feet and ready to start the maintenance, way in advance, so that the restaurant can work smoothly and there are no hiccups in the restaurant kitchen operation.

Regular Maintenance

If you don’t want equipment to break down on you, it’s a good idea to keep maintenance in mind. A lot of the time, and yes that happens, restaurants managers or staff put maintenance of the equipment on the back burner and forget about it altogether.

That’s not going to lead to smoothly operating restaurants. So, you should be on top of your maintenance game. Instruct the staff members and chefs that whenever they see an appliance is slightly misbehaving, they report it to you or consult a designated professional for it.

Involve More People

It’s not just the duty of the restaurant owner or manager to take care of the maintenance of equipment unless you want all of the burden to fall on your shoulders. This is where proper training comes in handy, because the more people there are to take care of an equipment issue, the better it is.

This is why you must be training the staff and chefs to be self-reliant when it comes to equipment maintenance so that they don’t sit around waiting for help to come when they can easily take care of minor problems in the equipment on the spot and only leave bigger issues for appliance repair experts to handle.

Make A Cost Plan

Let’s be real, maintenance costs a lot and you need to spend some money if you want every single piece of equipment in your restaurant to be good and ready to go. This is why it’s so crucial to be organized when making a budget for maintenance. If you make a budget or cost plan for maintenance, it will give you a solid idea as to how much you should spend.

As you’re running a restaurant, you can also have dedicated maintenance staff or independent technicians who you can call up and have them come over and check your equipment from time to time. This is also going to be less expensive than scouring for a maintenance expert every single time because you can strike a deal with them at the first meeting.

Think Of The Future

If you’re not maintaining your equipment, just because it “costs a lot”, then you’re not fulfilling the key duty of a restaurant owner/manager. Fixing commercial equipment isn’t just about the money. It’s so much more than that. You need to think about the smooth running of the restaurant. There’s nothing more frustrating than restaurant workers who can’t work efficiently just because the equipment is not in working condition.

Temperature Checking

This is probably one of the biggest risks of an equipment failure and that’s temperature overload. If you don’t know the basics, like on what temperatures the refrigerators, freezers, etc., operate, then you’re ruining the equipment by yourself. Similarly, your staff should know important things about operating deep fryers, ovens, steamers, freezers, ice dispensers, and other appliances and how they can detect and fix some minor problems. Plus, educate the staff on temperature tracking of appliances and keeping a maintenance checklist.

If they see the slightest change in the temperature or the performance of an equipment, then it’s a good thing to be alert because something could be wrong and if it’s not fixed by an expert, things will take a turn for the worst.

Narrow Down The Equipment

Some restaurant equipment is more important than others. Here are some equipment that need to be maintained well, otherwise you’re failing at the task of managing risks.

Deep Fryers

Deep fryers are used in a majority of restaurants, if not all, and they have a lot of components that can need some attention, from time to time. This is why you need to look out for signs that show that the deep fryer isn’t working properly and that you need to maintain it. The signs can include the burners not working properly, the oil basket leaking from somewhere, the wastage of oil, and other similar things.

Ovens & Stove Tops

If you thought deep fryers hold great importance in the kitchen, then you might not know how much impact cooktops and ovens have in a kitchen. They are the working limbs of a kitchen and if they are not in an excellent shape, then that’s a huge blunder on your side.

If the burners are clogged, the knobs aren’t working properly, or the gas or electricity connections are faulty and hanging on by a thread, then you need to get to maintaining these things right away because your restaurant probably can function without a deep fryer, but it certainly can’t, if the ovens and cooktops aren’t working.


The last thing you want is smoke filling up the entire kitchen and restaurant and the one thing that avoids all of this fuss is a stovetop hood. The hood is responsible for keeping the smoke out of the restaurant and ejecting it through a proper passageway.

However, sometimes, these hoods might also need some attention. You need to regularly check whether the pipes are clogged or not and whether the smoke is being ejected out or going through another passage.

Extinguishing Devices

A restaurant kitchen is a place where fires are always blazing, so it can be a walking hazard anywhere and anytime. So, having automatic extinguishing devices are extremely important because they can save your kitchen from being up in flames.

These devices, however, can only work properly if you maintain them timely. This is why you should make it a habit to check the detectors, sensors, and the devices themselves regularly and if there’s a slightest hint that it’s not working correctly, then off to maintenance it goes.


Kitchen appliances and equipment are the heart and soul of a restaurant and you don’t want to be ignoring their problems, so create an equipment care plan and share it a commercial kitchen appliance repair Alexandria expert. Moreover, experts can also suggest when to repair or inspect various equipment.



How to Take Care of the Most Common Commercial Appliances

Replacing your commercial appliances is expensive and its therefore important that you take care of your appliances. Taking care of the appliances will ensure that they last long and work optimally. It’s important to ensure that your commercial freezer, fridge, oven, deep fry, ice cream freezer, steamer, and the ice maker are well maintained. Regular servicing and thorough cleaning the appliances periodically will ensure that your appliances last a lifetime. In this article, we tell simple tips to help maintain your appliances. Ensure that the commercial appliance repair Virginia team regularly checks on your appliances and to ensure they are no sudden breakdowns

How to Take Care of your commercial Appliances

Refrigerators and Freezers

  • Make sure that you don’t overfill the refrigerator to allow air to circulate freely and prevent the fridge compressor from overworking.
  • Ensure the commercial refrigerator repair team cleans the coils often
  • Clean the fridge door gasket using a mild detergent and water.
  • Make sure that you service the refrigerator often to avoid sudden breakdowns.
  • Check for any loose connections and thoroughly clean all the ice making components

    Commercial Dishwasher
  • Clean the dishwasher regularly to avoid food build-up
  • Make sure that the commercial dishwasher repair team services your dishwasher regularly
  • Clean the dishwasher gasket often
  • Make sure that filter is cleaned regularly. Scrape off food from the plates before placing them in the dishwasher
  • Teach your team how to use the commercial dishwasher to ensure that it last long

Commercial Oven

  • Clean the commercial oven when not using it. Wipe off the food particles on your oven because that could damage your oven.
  • Follow the commercial oven maintenance schedule and schedule monthly thorough cleaning of the oven. Let the commercial oven repair team service and maintain our oven to ensure that it last longer.
  • Make sure you clean the oven racks.

Commercial Ice Maker

  • Clean and sanitize the ice maker machine often. Make sure that you clean off lime and mineral deposits
  • Follow the routine maintenance schedule. Make sure there is no ice stuck on the evaporator plates which will cause the freeze ups and a longer time to make ice. The condenser and the filter should also be cleaned once every six months.
  • Follow the ice maker user manual and ensure that the maintenance schedule is done by a commercial ice maker repair technician.

Commercial Deep Fryer

  • Drain the oil daily
  • Make sure that follow the operation manual and ensure that all the staff who use the dryer know how to handle the appliances
  • When using it, stick to the right temperature
  • Invite the commercial deep fryer repair team immediately you notice any issue. Ensure that you follow the service and maintenance schedule diligently
  • Make sure the appliance is cleaned daily

How to Optimize your Commercial Appliances

  • Use the appliances correctly

It’s important that your staff understands how each appliance operates. That will ensure that each appliance is used optimally without damage. The commercial appliance repair team may be able to train your employees on how to use the appliances. Make sure you use the right temperature when using commercial deep fryers.

  • Storage and working space

Make sure that you enough working area for each appliance. Consider the size of your restaurant and invest in an appliance that is appropriate. Squeezing the appliance in a small space may cause breakdown due to overheating and accidents and it’s therefore important that you ensure each appliance has enough space. It’s also important to ensure there is free flow of air, especially for appliances such ovens. Placing oven in a crowded place will lead to overheating and breakdown.

  • Cleaning Up

Make sure you clean up the appliances after use to avoid build-up of food particles, the mineral deposit that can lead to break down.

  • Regular maintenance and servicing

Make sure that you follow the maintenance schedule diligently. Even if the appliances are working make sure they are serviced often and that will ensure they work optimally.

Your commercial appliances will last long when they are well taken care of and serviced often. Make sure the commercial appliance kitchen repair regularly checks your appliance to ensure there is no breakdown. The kitchen appliances should be placed in areas where there is enough working space.



Questions to Ask Before Repairing or Replacing Commercial Kitchen Appliances

Commercial appliances are a major investment and it’s important to ensure they perform optimally. Your business depends on the appliances working well and if they break down it’s important to assess whether you need to repair or replace the appliance. The commercial appliance repair Virginia team will help you decide whether to replace or repair an appliance. In this article, we look at questions you should ask before buying or repairing an appliance.

Questions You Should Ask Before You Repair or Replace a commercial appliance

  • What is the age of the commercial Appliance?

Every appliance has a lifespan which varies depending on the type of appliance. Appliance-like the refrigerator has a lifespan of 10-15 years and if your commercial refrigerator is approaching that age ask the commercial refrigerator repairs team whether you should repair or replace the appliance. The effectiveness of the appliance is crucial to the success of your business or institution and in some cases, it’s more cost effective to replace the appliance. The kitchen commercial appliance repair team will help you assess whether the lifespan of your appliance is nearing the end and advise you whether you should replace or repair.

  • How much longer do you intend to use the appliance?

If you have a short span of time before moving to new premises, then you can opt to repair the appliance. If you have a growing client base, then you may need to repair the kitchen equipment to ensure your business is more effective. It’s important to ensure that the appliance is effective before you repair it. The commercial icemaker repair team will be able to advise you on whether the old ice maker is able to make to meet the needs of your new restaurant or should you invest in a new one.

  • Is the appliance under warranty?

Determine whether the broken-down appliance is under warranty and if it’s under warranty the repairs can be done at no cost. Most appliances have a 12-month warranty.

  • How many times has the commercial appliance been used

Frequent repairs are expensive and it’s important to determine how viable an appliance is before you repair it. If the cost of repair is more than 50% the value of the appliance its best to replace the kitchen equipment. If the appliance breaks down too often that may affect your business and its best to replace it. If your commercial oven breaks down often, it will affect the business and may lead to loss of clientele.

  • How often do you use the appliance?

An appliance like the commercial oven, refrigerator, and freezer play a crucial role in the restaurant. If such an appliance breaks down often that will affect the effectiveness of your business. It’s important to have the commercial oven repair team assess the oven and advise when to repair or replace the kitchen appliances. It may be more effective to invest in a new appliance that has the current technology.

  • Do you qualify for any tax rebates when you buy new appliances?

Buying new equipment may qualify you for a tax benefit or other financial benefits.

Factors You Should Consider Before Repairing or replacing Your Appliances

  • Safety

It’s important to consider the safety of your employees before you decide to repair an appliance. You don’t want to repair an appliance that is not safe to operate. If an appliance poses any danger to replace it.

  • High Cost of repair

If the cost of repairs is high considered replacing the kitchen equipment. If you constantly have to call the commercial oven repair team then you should consider replacing it.

  • Availability of spare parts

It may be hard to find spare parts for very old appliance and if that is the case consider buying a new appliance.

The high number of client

If the current freezer is too small for the number of clients, then you should consider investing in a new one.

The commercial appliances are key to the success of your business and it’s paramount that you work with commercial kitchen appliance repair team to ensure they are effective. The above pointers will help you determine whether you should replace or buy a new appliance.




Factors that Cause the Refrigerator Compressor to Overheat

The role of the refrigerator is to keep your food cold, but when the compressor is hot, it defeats the purpose. A refrigerator is like an engine. It comes with parts that should work together so that it runs smoothly. If a part of the refrigerator does not work properly, it can cause problems with other parts. The same goes for a compressor.

When your refrigerator compressor starts to overheat, the appliance turns into a ticking time bomb. It poses a fire risk, but if it is in this state, it consumes more energy than usual, which results in higher utility bills. You can call commercial refrigerator services if the issue worsens. Learn more about it now.

Low Internal Temperature

One common household mistake is to set the temperature of your refrigerator too low. When you set the temperature lower compared to what is recommended, it can cause the compressor to overheat and fail. This can cost you time and money. Setting the refrigerator temperature lower compared to 35 degrees F, the compressor is going to work harder, making it overheat quickly.

Modern refrigerators overheat if you do not correctly set the temperatures outside. If you prevent the refrigerator from overheating, you need to check the temperature setting on the control panel and make sure to set it between 37 to 38 degrees F.

Poor Ventilation

Fridges release hot air while it keeps the inside compartments cool. Actually, condenser coils are good at getting rid of hot air that has been generated while compressors and other components are functioning. However, if hot air is unable to escape, the compressor will overheat naturally, leading to performance issues.

Hot air from coils can become obstructed when you have objects close to your fridge. Therefore, make sure to keep the space at the back of your fridge so the hot air can escape properly.

The Fridge is on the Sunny Side

Sometimes, refrigerators are placed in a location that has too much sunlight.

This kind of placement causes you to see a fridge that overheats under hot weather. If this happens, there are two reasons why your compressor is hot.

The sunlight could directly heat the compressor. Or, since direct sunlight is heating the fridge, the compressor should work harder so it cools down.

Not Enough Refrigerant

If the refrigerator is running loudly or is working harder than normal, the culprit is low-level refrigerant. This is a common problem in older refrigerators and can cause different problems.

The main cooling system of a refrigerator utilizes refrigerant to circulate around a closed loop. The refrigerant receives pressure from the compressor and it circulates through the closed loop. When this happens, your refrigerator stays cool.

There needs to be enough refrigerant in the system. When your system is undercharged or too hot, it can cause problems.

Condenser Fan is Broken

The condenser in your fridge will eliminate heat that is generated by components. Naturally, if the fan broke down, the appliance’s internal temperature substantially rises which leads to overheating of not only the compressor but all other components as well. Therefore, when this happens, it is natural for the compressor to fail. If there are expert technicians that can repair the fridge, you will not have an issue.

The condenser fan will be replaced after inspecting the damages that were done to the compressor. If the damage is not very serious, they are going to repair them to make the fridge functional again.

You can contact ice cream freezer repair Springfield anytime you need the compressor to be fixed.



Freezer is Working but Not the Fridge

There is nothing more frustrating for a homeowner than when the freezer is working but the fridge is not. It is worthing reasoning out that if the freezer is cold, the refrigerator should be as well. However, sometimes it is not happening.

When it comes to refrigerators and freezers, they both have a couple of complex mechanical parts and electric components as well. A couple of reasons why your fridge is not cooling but the freezer works can easily be solved by any homeowner. There are a couple of issues however that are left for professional technicians to do.

Before calling the walk in cooler repair, you should read this article.

The Thermistor is Failing

One common reason why the refrigerator is not cooling is because of a faulty thermistor. The thermistor is going to monitor your refrigerator’s internal temperature. When the interior is detected to be excessively warm, it will signal the compressor to activate and begin cooling.

In case the thermistor refuses to work, the appliance cannot monitor its own temperature, so the coils and fan will never switch on, in case the temperature increases, or they will never switch off. If the fridge is going to be very noisy, and if it will ice up or freeze your food.

You Could be Overpacking Your Freezer

One common issue that homeowners are unaware of is a freezer that is overpacked. Most homeowners feel that it stands to reason that if the freezer has no room, you just shove it in there.

The problem with doing this is that the freezer will contain vents that allow cold air to flow. In case these vents are blocked by too many items, that will limit the airflow that goes in your refrigerator. For instance, the freezer would be okay but the refrigerator is too warm.

Stuck Damper Control

One reason why this problem could be happening is that the damper control assembly is stuck. The damper control assembly is found between the freezer and fridge components. It regulates how much cool air is flowing from one compartment to another. If the damper control is stuck closed, it will not let enough cold air into the fridge, which causes the temperature to go inside to rise. If you want to fix this issue, place your hand in front of the vent to check for airflow. If you do not feel an airflow, you might have to call a professional to repair the damper.

Evaporator Fan is Faulty

The evaporator fan is responsible for pulling cold into the coils, where it is distributed using the fridge and freezer. In case the fan is malfunctioning, this does not happen efficiently. The most common issue with the fan is the motor.

Most of the time, a faulty evaporator fan is because of inefficiencies or faults in other parts of the appliance. During these circumstances, the evaporator fan motor should work harder to compensate, which increases the likelihood of breaking down and shortening the lifespan.

Condenser Coil is Dirty

In general, you can find condenser coils at the back or bottom of the fridge. You should consult the owner’s manual to make sure. After locating them, you can check to see if your condenser coils are dirty. If this happens, you need to unplug the refrigerator and use a small attachment to clear them. After that, use a coil cleaning solution and water for cleaning. You need to dry the coils using a clean cloth and then plug the fridge again.

You can call commercial refrigerator repairs Alexandria anytime to get it fixed.





How to Maintain a Gas Oven

Most people who have a gas stove do not choose to purchase that stove. Most establishments like to use gas stoves, and they are also popular in households. Kitchen ranges can give you faster heat with great control, and their life span is longer compared to electric ranges. If you own a gas range, you should maintain it well. Appliances that are reliant on gas can lead to major safety hazards if they are not maintained properly. In addition, a commercial gas oven repair should be called as part of the maintenance.

It could be that you did not want a gas stove, but you own one now. This might be the best thing that ever happened to you if you like the open flame in your kitchen.

Wipe it Down Weekly and Deep Clean it Monthly

Probably, you are already aware of the basics of keeping your stove clean. Every day, you have to wait until it is cool and use a mild cleaning solution to wipe it down. If there are drips or spills, you should try wiping them up right away, once it is safe. This common approach prevents some of the biggest messes and lessens how much scrubbing is needed later.

Regularly Inspect and Clean the Burner Channels

The burner channels move the gas from the supply to the burner rings that supply your pots and pans using heat. Burner channels are found under the gas cap and they can become clogged over time. When this is happening, the burners will not supply an even heat distribution, which can negatively affect your cooking. Blocked burner channels are fire hazards as well.

In order to clean the burner channels, you can use a straw or pipe cleaner. You can avoid using a toothpick or something else that has flammable materials.

Check for Gas Leaks

You can start by checking the stove’s gas line from time to time. Tiny leaks or occasional leaks can be dangerous. The quickest way to check is a gas leak detector substance. This is a thin goo that can spread over a gas line connector. If the goo bubbles, there is a gas leak. You can give the gas line a nudge in order to make sure that the small movements of the stove or bumps in the kitchen will not cause any leaks.

If you see that the gas line is secure, you can turn on your stove.

Clean the Stove Grate

A lot of gas stoves have an enameled grate that is used to cover the stovetop. Some of the grates are smaller. Grates are able to collect spillages and oil, so you should scrub them once a week. For 30 minutes, you can soak the grates in soapy and warm water. After that, you can use a sponge or scrubber for the remaining debris. Allow the stove grates to completely dry before you put them back on the stovetop.

Never Pour Water on the Stove

You might be tempted to try soaking the lower areas of the gas stove to easily clean them. You should not do that. You should never pour water on the gas cooktop because you can get into burners, and gas lines, and cause electrical problems. The truth is, you should not pour on the electric stoves as well, but you would be shocked by how many people want to achieve a clean stove faster. If you are looking for a flowing scrubbing agent, you can try using salt which is easily available in the kitchen.

You can contact deep fryer repair Northern VA anytime for better gas oven maintenance.



Signs Your Deep Fryer Needs to be Replaced

Deep fryers are stapled in the majority of commercial kitchens, but there can malfunction from time to time. That is why it is significant to understand some common problems you could encounter when you own even the highest quality deep fryers. Even if most commercial deep fryers are popular for their efficiency and durability, these kitchen appliances are heavy-duty. They can come across a couple of minor issues within their lifespan. Luckily, the common issues that come with a deep fryer repair can easily be fixed and maintained without spending too much.

You can contact commercial appliances repair anytime if you want to try repairing your deep fryer first before buying.

Thermostat is Broken

Deep fryer manufacturers include a thermostat so you can control the equipment’s operating heat. Therefore, the oil temperature cannot lower or raise excessively. When there is a broken thermostat, your deep fryer cannot adjust the heating element properly. The oil can be too cold or too hot, which causes food to burn or undercook.

A deep fryer that overheats can burn oil to combustion, which leads to a fire outbreak. Therefore, if employees inform you about a broken thermostat or problems with the oil temperature, you should contact professionals to immediately service your machines. The specialist is going to change the thermostat and test the equipment to tell if there is an underlying issue.

Burners are Blocked

Grease buildup, dust, food particles, and debris clogs burner orifices. Burners that refuse to light up at all or only partially or irregularly could have blocked orifices.

In order to unblock clogged burners, you should use a stiff brush over the burners to take out particles or debris that are jamming the orifices. In case the burners produce fluctuating flames after brushing them, the problem could be because of inconsistent or low gas pressure. If the fuel supply is enough, damaged fuel lines could be the reason why fryer burners refuse to ignite.

You should not try to fix fuel lines on your own. You should ask the technician to assess the fryer for potential problems with the supply lines of the fuel.

Faulty Pilot Light

When there is no pilot light, it is normally a sign that the deep fryer is totally out of commission. If you do not have it, the oil is not going to heat up at the right temperature. Even if there are a lot of reasons that could cause a faulty pilot light, the common culprit is the gas supply valve. The best way to confirm that this is the issue is to examine supply lines for any blockage. In case the valve is clog-free and open, it might be time to replace the thermopile. The main heating element is the thermopile, which converts thermal heat into electric energy, and signals the pilot light to ignite the flame. Even if the thermopile is quite easy to replace, you should contact a professional to make sure that the repair is done correctly.

Oil Filter is Broken

Normally, deep fryers collect plenty of food debris, which affects food quality. The good thing is that they have an oil filter that takes out the debris to keep the oil clean. This will allow oil to circulate in the equipment with no difficulties.

When there is a damaged oil filter, the oil is going to be dirty, and it cannot effectively circulate. This is going to result in food not cooking well.

You can check commercial dishwasher repairs Fairfax anytime you need to because you need professionals fix your equipment.  




Benefits of Using a Commercial Steamer

There are more commercial chefs today who are embracing multi-modal cooking. The general cooking philosophy will emphasize using different processes, whether it is baking, roasting, frying, or smoking. What would be better is that when you invest in a commercial steamer, you can do all of these.

Steam cooking is one of the healthiest ways of preparing food, and you can contact a commercial steamer repair in case you need a repair. When you research it, there are so many people who love to use food steamers because they are convenient. In addition, it saves you a lot of preparation time in your kitchen and it offers plenty of healthy benefits. Read on to learn more.

Healthier Cooking and Lower Cholesterol

Do you want to indulge in the foods you love to eat while making sure that you are not too fatty or greasy? You might think this is difficult, but it is totally possible using a food steamer.

Steam cooking is a very healthy way of cooking your food like meat and vegetables. A food steamer does not require grease to cook food, which means anything you make using this appliance is made with less fat.

In addition, steaming food helps in preserving all food nutrients while you include vitamins, fiber, and minerals.

Better Multi-tasking

When you cook foods using dry heat, food moisture gets released into the air together with things like flavors and aromas. Most of the time, these flavors get transferred to other items inside the oven. In order to avoid unwanted transfer, chefs need to cook food during their shifts, while taking time to cook other items as well.

Steam cooking prevents this unwanted event. Instead, the aromas and flavors will stay locked inside the foods themselves. This increases the resulting taste of food, but it will allow you to cook different food items all at the same time. By using steam cooking, kitchen managers are able to boost throughput when they maximize the open spaces.

Quick Cooking

Cooking with steam is a quick process and are you even able to cut your cooking time in half for those products that normally take a lot longer to cook? Are you aware that you can cook a cheesecake or cake inside your steamer? There are a lot of different commercial steamers that are excellent in a commercial kitchen.

Keeps the Food Color

What a lot of people love about food steamers is that they are able to keep the natural colors of food, especially when it comes to vegetables. That is because they only steam dishes unlike using the stove or heat which makes vegetables lose fresh colors.

Less Mess

Apart from the convenience when you use it, food steamers can be easy to clean as well. There is no need to worry about oils and sticky sauces that are splattering to wash after cooking food because the steamer trays are safe and can be hand washed.

Even and Gentle Cooking

Some people assume that steam cooking will leave food soggy and wet. This cannot be further from what is true. The truth is, after the steam already passed the heat on food, the leftover steam has been recaptured and removed from their system. Foods remain to be perfectly moist, but they are never wet.

More importantly, steam cooking will ensure that foods will never become dry, and it commonly happens with other cooking methods. The difference has something to do with how heat flows through your oven.

You can contact commercial kitchen appliance repair Springfield anytime if you need something fixed.




How to Clean a Dirty Kitchen Worktop

You always want your kitchen worktop to look spik and span, and learning how to clean it does not have to be hard. However, prior to digging out the cleaning products you love, you should know how you can do it right. Your approach is going to mainly depend on the kind of worktop you have. This kind of hardware can be made using different materials, which can be laminate, granite, wood, and marble. Each one needs a totally different cleaning method.

If you just contact commercial dishwasher repairs, you can ask them how to clean a kitchen worktop, but it also helps if you know what to do. Let this article help you so read on.

Immediately Clean Spills and Do Not Just Wipe Them

Wiping up the orange juice spill using a kitchen roll will not get rid of everything from the worktop surface. Wiping it up using warm water and soap is going to clean it but it will not totally eliminate it at the same time.

The tiny liquid and food particles are going to linger on the worktops and bacteria will start to grow here. Cleaning will remove the dirt, grease, and bacteria but disinfection kills them on contact.

Use Vinegar and Baking Soda to Clean Stove Burners

Once you have made an all-natural cleaner, you can start cleaning. You can start to apply the paste that you made onto your cooktop. After that, spray the vinegar solution over the paste. The vinegar and baking soda are going to act together to create bubbles that help break down caked-on grime.

Allow the paste to sit for a couple of minutes. Then, wipe it away using a damp cloth. All the grease, dirt, and grime will come off easily without scrubbing it.

Removing Kitchen Stains

Aside from cleaning daily, you would sometimes have to tackle stains on kitchen working surfaces. A lot of kitchen cleaners are hard enough to get rid of stains, but there are a couple of handy tricks that can help remove those stubborn marks.

Regularly Disinfect Sponges

Everyone knows that dishcloths and sponges have billions of bacteria so you really do not want to spread those on your worktops when you try to disinfect them.

The solution to this is that you should clean them properly after using and drying them thoroughly. Therefore, they can be safely reused and you just have to replace them every few weeks.

You can disinfect dishcloths and sponges using a bleach solution.

Clean Gas Range Stove Top Naturally

Cleaning a gas range stovetop is almost the same process as a glass top. You can start to make the paste and then apply it, then use vinegar to spray. Allow it to sit and allow the bubbles to do the work. After that, use a soft cloth or an old toothbrush if necessary.

Then, rinse it with warm water and dry it using a soft cloth. You should be careful not to get moisture in the igniters or electrical controls while you do this because it can cause your range to not start or click but no light. The stovetop must be left looking shiny and new even if you do not scrub or use harsh chemicals just to get rid of the dirt and stain. Sometimes, you might need to exert more effort than usual, but these solutions will normally work. You can also check the solution you made if the proportions are correct.

You can contact commercial refrigerator services Northern VA anytime if you need the best appliance repair.



Most Common Issues of Appliances

Appliance issues can happen to just anyone, most of the time when you least expect it. Regardless if you are faced with an aging appliance, one that will not turn on, or you do not know who can fix it, they can happen.

Everyone has seen every kind of appliance issue they can think of, and everyone knows how frustrating it is. That is the reason why this guide was created about the most common friction points that are faced by customers. You can always contact a commercial oven repair service, but it helps to know what kind of issue you are dealing with. You can gain more knowledge about those issues by reading further:

The Refrigerator is Not Cooling

This is among the most common issues that commercial kitchens sometimes have to face and it is crucial that a repair team comes right away. When the fridge will not keep a cold temperature it can spoil food and waste money, which is something you do not want to happen. A way to keep the appliance running efficiently is to clean the coils twice a year. This is simple maintenance that can be done right away.

The Dishwasher Will Not Drain

The standing water that is found at the bottom of the dishwasher is not what you are seeing. At the end of the wash cycle, the dirty water must drain through a connection beneath the sink. If you are there, there can be an issue that you must invest in.

Before you give appliance service specialists a call, it is recommended that you run your garbage disposal in case you have one.

There is Water Pooling in the Dishwasher

A dishwasher that refuses to drain can be very frustrating. The issue can be linked to errors of users such as not cleaning the filter or forgetting to empty the drain basket. In case these get blocked with food scraps or detergent, they can lead to water flooding, so they should be cleaned regularly.

Evaporator Fan Issue

The evaporator fan might be the one to blame if your fridge starts freezing up and collecting ice. It can be a case of the entire fan not working or it is only part of the coil. This might be because of a low charge. You would want to hire a certified technician to come and check the issue because you will not be able to check on that yourself.

Gas Range Refuses to Light or Heat Up

Many homeowners have electric gas ranges, but for the ones who cook using gas variety, there are instances when the burner or oven refuses to heat up. They might also have a hard time lighting up which complicates cooking even more.

The lighting might not be turning on because the gas line got closed, and the gas is unlit or running freely which is dangerous. It could also be that the pilot light is not on. The electrodes in the spark igniter are already loose, or the burner caps are closed.

No matter what is causing it, you should ask professionals to check on it.

You Hear Strange Noises

When you can hear that your refrigerator is making loud sounds that are unfamiliar to you, it could be a sign of trouble. Problems with motors, fans, or other parts might trigger sounds you can hear. Contacting commercial refrigeration repair is your best option because you can be sure that the issue will be properly diagnosed.

You can contact commercial steamer repair Fairfax if you are experiencing any of the said issues with your commercial appliances