
Maintain your commercial kitchen appliances to run a steady business

Especially for a food business owner, it is very crucial to rely on their electronic gadgets and commercial appliances. In order to keep your business going smoothly, make sure you schedule the maintenance of commercial kitchen appliances and the refrigerator components, such as ice dispensers, freezers, coolers or walk-in freezers time to time.  An unanticipated breakdown of your refrigerator units will lead to a sudden halt in your business and decaying of all the raw materials, which might have otherwise generated a hefty profit for you.

Tips to maintain your refrigerator:

A commercial refrigerator is a valuable asset for a professional in the food and restaurant industry because a faulty storage tool will spoil all the perishable goods. Thus, it is always better to organize regular inspection and maintenance programs, to prevent them from breaking down.  Even though food and restaurant business can be very hectic, it is advisable to ensure routine commercial refrigerators service, at least twice a year by professional experts. By ensuring optimum functionality of the refrigerator units, you not only prevent your business operation from ceasing but also prevent revamping your electrical charges. Unless your commercial appliances operate efficiently, chances are that your electricity bills might increase dramatically.

Therefore, the annual maintenance schedules must ensure the following:

  • Inspecting pressure cleaning condenser coils and drain lines
  • Monitor the temperature, and the defrost settings
  • Replace contaminated ice and avoid mold, insect or flies by regular cleaning
  • Inspect the filters on the ice makers
  • Checking the refrigerant level
  • Flushing acid descale solution to sanitize the water circuit
  • Examining the unit thermometer verification
  • Watch out for any loosened electrical connections
  • Ice vending machines should be disassembled and sanitized properly
  • Monitor the condenser, evaporation, wiring, compressor, fan motors or blades.
  • Double check for any internal or external cracks, holes or previously sealed parts to avoid air leakage.

Consult a certified refrigeration service provider immediately after breakdown:

Even if you have been running your commercial kitchen appliances efficiently, they might break down unexpectedly, after prolonged usage; and a failure inevitably means loss of your valuable time and money. Thus, it is ideally recommended to unplug the appliance immediately and consult a victory refrigerator repair Alexandria, rather than waiting for the further breakdown. The instant action might increase the longevity of your device while running the device inefficiently will waste your energy resources and money. Take good care of your commercial appliances, and they will love you back!




Your ultimate guide to commercial refrigerator and walk-in cooler maintenance

Refrigerators and coolers are the most used appliances in the commercial kitchens. The refrigerating appliances are the largest consumer of energy, as well. Adequate maintenance will help in reducing the energy consumption, improving the performance, and extending the life of the refrigerating units. You should train your staff regarding commercial refrigerator maintenance, and you should also hire commercial refrigerator repair technician. It is very much important to pay attention over the maintenance, inspection, cleaning and repair of commercial refrigerators. Timely action can help you save plenty of dollars.

Commercial refrigerator and walk-in freezer maintenance tips

Commercial refrigeration appliances play crucial role in the success of foodservice business. Emergency repair not only put your kitchen activities to halt, but it will also cause loss of perishables. Follow below mentioned tips to minimize the refrigerator malfunctions:

Always keep your refrigerator clean

Use soap and water to clean the metal surface of your commercial refrigerator. The cleaning should be performed daily. Train your staff to clean the spills right away. Just avoid using harsh cleaning chemicals, and do not scrub roughly. The best way to clean the refrigerator is following the manufacturer instructions mentioned in the user manual.

Clean evaporator fan coils

Evaporator fan coils play a vital role in overall functionality of your refrigerator. If you want to keep your refrigerator running with full efficiency, make sure that evaporator fan coils are clean. Over time the fan accrues dust and dirt. Just make sure that refrigerator is not plugged in while you are cleaning the fan coils.

Inspect door seals and hinges

Over the time refrigerators sealing and hinges become loose. This causes cooling loss. If you think that your refrigerator or freezer is not working with full efficiency, check the seals and hinges. In case you find issue, hire a professional to fix this problem.

Check condenser unit

Always keep the surrounding areas of evaporators and condensing units clean for proper airflow. Do not keep trash around the walk-in refrigerator.

Monitor temperature

Temperature fluctuation indicates that there is something wrong with your refrigerator. In case, you notice temperature fluctuation, call the victory refrigerator repair technician to detect and solve the issue before it turns into a big problem.

Schedule professional inspection

Commercial refrigerators are huge and complicated appliances. You need a professional by your side to keep your refrigerating units running all the time. Thus, schedule professional inspection every quarter.



How to Clean a Commercial Refrigerator

For restaurants and other food service businesses, there is nothing more important than keeping their refrigeration units in top condition. After all, they rely on their refrigerators for most of the tasks. Hiring a victory refrigerator repair company for regular cleaning and maintenance is important, but restaurant owner and staff should also pay attention over refrigerator maintenance to avoid refrigeration troubles.

Know about commercial refrigerator cleaning

Commercial refrigerators play a vital role in maintaining the quality of food items. Also, they are one of the most expensive appliances you have in your commercial kitchen. The refrigeration units should be cleaned time to time to maintain the quality of food, to keep the unit in good condition and to make it operate efficiently.

Commercial refrigerator cleaning tips

Commercial refrigerators should be cleaned after every shift. It is the most important and yet the simplest thing you can do to make sure that everything is good with your refrigerator. Regular cleaning will not let food to get deposited in and out of your unit.

When it comes to commercial refrigerator cleaning, there are several parts that are needed to be cleaned frequently, and should be cleaned. You should take refrigeration cleaning task on the high priority. A simple cleaning task can make everything sorted.

Commercial refrigerators should be properly cleaned from inside. You can use lukewarm water and mild soap to do this task. Interiors of commercial refrigerators should be cleaned at least once in a month. This task should include cleaning of drawers, shelves, door gaskets and other removable parts.

Cleaning exterior of the refrigerator is also vital. Regular usage make refrigerator dirty from outside. If not cleaned at the right time food and drinks spills could stain your refrigerator. For this purpose use mild cleaning agent that does not harm the exterior of your refrigerator.

Along with interior and exterior, it is important to clean compressor, condenser coils, fan and motor of the commercial refrigerator. However, it is not easy for a new person to reach at these parts of the refrigerator. Thus, hiring a commercial refrigerator technician is a wise idea to get these parts cleaned and inspected.