
Maintain your commercial kitchen appliances to run a steady business

Especially for a food business owner, it is very crucial to rely on their electronic gadgets and commercial appliances. In order to keep your business going smoothly, make sure you schedule the maintenance of commercial kitchen appliances and the refrigerator components, such as ice dispensers, freezers, coolers or walk-in freezers time to time.  An unanticipated breakdown of your refrigerator units will lead to a sudden halt in your business and decaying of all the raw materials, which might have otherwise generated a hefty profit for you.

Tips to maintain your refrigerator:

A commercial refrigerator is a valuable asset for a professional in the food and restaurant industry because a faulty storage tool will spoil all the perishable goods. Thus, it is always better to organize regular inspection and maintenance programs, to prevent them from breaking down.  Even though food and restaurant business can be very hectic, it is advisable to ensure routine commercial refrigerators service, at least twice a year by professional experts. By ensuring optimum functionality of the refrigerator units, you not only prevent your business operation from ceasing but also prevent revamping your electrical charges. Unless your commercial appliances operate efficiently, chances are that your electricity bills might increase dramatically.

Therefore, the annual maintenance schedules must ensure the following:

  • Inspecting pressure cleaning condenser coils and drain lines
  • Monitor the temperature, and the defrost settings
  • Replace contaminated ice and avoid mold, insect or flies by regular cleaning
  • Inspect the filters on the ice makers
  • Checking the refrigerant level
  • Flushing acid descale solution to sanitize the water circuit
  • Examining the unit thermometer verification
  • Watch out for any loosened electrical connections
  • Ice vending machines should be disassembled and sanitized properly
  • Monitor the condenser, evaporation, wiring, compressor, fan motors or blades.
  • Double check for any internal or external cracks, holes or previously sealed parts to avoid air leakage.

Consult a certified refrigeration service provider immediately after breakdown:

Even if you have been running your commercial kitchen appliances efficiently, they might break down unexpectedly, after prolonged usage; and a failure inevitably means loss of your valuable time and money. Thus, it is ideally recommended to unplug the appliance immediately and consult a victory refrigerator repair Alexandria, rather than waiting for the further breakdown. The instant action might increase the longevity of your device while running the device inefficiently will waste your energy resources and money. Take good care of your commercial appliances, and they will love you back!




Preventative Maintenance for Walk-in Refrigerator

Refrigeration units are one of the most important appliances in food service industry. This appliance plays a critical role in commercial kitchens. In order to keep this appliance running with full efficiency, it is very much important to pay attention over maintenance of walk-in refrigerators.

Scheduling walk in cooler repair is essential, and training staff for cleaning and maintenance is also required. A walk-in refrigerator should be used and cleaned properly, and kitchen staff should know how to use this appliance.

Walk-In Refrigerator Preventive Maintenance Checklist

Maintenance of commercial refrigerator requires understanding of the appliance and its components. Each component of the walk-in refrigerator required to be cleaned precisely, and the cleaning method is also different for different components.

Walk-in refrigerator cleaning and maintenance

Unit Coolers Cleaning: Unit coolers should be cleaned in every 6 months or sooner. You can visually inspect the component to check clogging or air passage fouling. In order to keep your unit coolers in good condition you need to:

  • Check sign of corrosion in cabinets, fins etc.
  • Check fan blades for unusual vibration
  • Check out oil stains
  • Check drain pipes to make sure they are free from debris or any sort of clogging

Clean evaporator coil and blades: Periodic cleaning of evaporator coil and blades is required to keep your refrigerating unit working. You can clean this component using wet cloth, brush and mild detergent. Please avoid using acid based cleaners. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for trouble-free cleaning.

Check the operation of all fans: It is important that all fans of your walk-in refrigerators work properly, so that you can make sure that the air flow is unobstructed. Manually check if each fan is rotating quietly and freely. Check if all screws of the fan are tight, and fan blades are not worn out or cracked. Also, verify that fan motors are working without any sort of interruption.

Inspect electrical wiring and components: Manually inspect all the wiring components of your refrigerator. In case you notice any cracked or lose wiring, get it repaired as soon as possible. All wirings of walk-in refrigerators should be proper to avoid electric shocks. Also inspect, if all switches of your refrigerating unit are working.

Walk-in refrigerator is very complicated commercial kitchen appliance. It is not possible for a non-technical person to understand and maintain this appliance. That is why it is recommended to hire commercial refrigerators repair services.