
Reasons Why You Should Follow the Commercial Appliance Maintenance Schedule

Your commercial appliances play a key role in the success of your business. The quality of food and service you will give your clients will depend on the effectiveness of the commercial appliances. It’s crucial that you follow the laid out commercial appliance repair schedule to get the most out of your equipment. You need to work with a reliable commercial kitchen appliance repair company to make sure that your appliances are working optimally and reliably. Preventive maintenance will make sure your appliances last a lifetime

Why You Should Follow the Commercial Appliance Maintenance Schedule

  • Lower the cost of utilities

When your commercial appliances are clean and regularly serviced they will run smoothly and consume less power. Make sure that the commercial refrigerator repairs expert carries out repairs and servicing as required to keep your refrigerator working and reduce power consumption. It’s important to ensure that the refrigerator coils are properly cleaned to ensure that it’s effective.  When appliances are defective they will use up more power leading to high power bills. Follow the repair and service schedule as given by the commercial appliance service team to save on cost

  • Prevent Breakdowns

Regular maintenance and servicing will prevent your appliances from breaking down suddenly. Following the maintenance schedule will ensure fix any small issues and stop them from becoming major appliance issues. Routine maintenance will help you avoid repairs that are expensive and avoid loss of clients due to delays in serving foods. Make sure the commercial oven repair team services and check your oven frequently to avoid a breakdown that could result in a loss of business. The commercial appliance repair team will ensure that any issue is detected early and the appliance is repaired before it becomes a major issue

  • Efficiency in providing services

When your appliances are working well you can be relied on to provide good food and services. It’s critical to ensure that your appliances are working well to be able to serve food in a timely manner. Regular service and maintenance will make sure your clients keep coming for more food and that will ensure your business keep running. It’s therefore important to ensure that you carry out maintenance as prescribed by the commercial appliance repair company. It’s tempting to miss servicing your equipment because at the moment they are functioning, but that will only lead to breakdown and failure to serve that delicacy at the appropriate time.

  • Durability

Your appliances will last longer if they are regularly serviced and maintained. Make sure that the commercial dishwasher repair team checks on your appliances regularly and that will save you the cost of buying a new commercial appliance.

Make sure that you work with the best commercial kitchen appliance repair team and ensure that they train your staff on how to handle the equipment. Proper handling of the equipment will also help keep the appliances working for longer. The staff is also able to tell when the appliances are not working well and any issue can be dealt with before it becomes major.

Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Appliance Repair Team

  • Preserve the Warrant and Insurance

When repairs are done by a certified technician your warranty and the insurance is preserved. If you choose to use a team that is not certified, you lose your warranty. Its therefore important that you confirm the commercial freezer repairs team is certified to avoid losing on your warranty. The certified technician also has the necessary tools and knowledge to repair your appliances without causing further damage. Your warranty and insurance are only effective if the repairs are done by a certified technician

  • Safety of your Premises and workers

Appliances have a lot of parts and need to be plugged into power for them to work. It’s therefore important to ensure they are working well to protect your employees and premises. Make sure that your appliances are repaired by the commercial appliances repair to ensure they are working as they should. Repairs should be done by a qualified technician to avoid damaging the equipment and prevent your staff from being electrocuted

  • Saves Cost

When repairs are done by a qualified technician they will save you time and money. A qualified technician will be able to diagnose your appliances and make sure that they do the repairs conclusively. Having your repairs done by an untrained technician may result in more damage and cost you much more. It’s therefore imperative that you let the professional commercial kitchen appliance repair team do the repairs.

  • Convenience

When your appliances are not working properly they cause major inconveniences. A trained technician will take a short time to repair the appliances and ensure that your business doesn’t stall.

It’s best to work with a commercial appliance repair Virginia team that can handle the various equipment in your establishment. That will save you time and money. Follow the schedule given by the repair team and that will ensure your appliances serve you for longer.



Get to Know More about the Different Types of Refrigerators

Homes and food establishments will not be complete without the common appliances such as refrigerators. Speaking of refrigerators, these appliances are perhaps one of the most important inventions of mankind. These pieces of machinery are important in maintaining the freshness of foods and beverages and avoiding spoilage and potential food poisoning and other food-related hazards.

However, it is also important to ensure that your refrigerators are working at its best at all times. Call a commercial refrigerator services provider if there are signs of damage and defect on your refrigerator unit. For your appliance repair needs, it is best to call commercial appliances repair services to ensure your commercial appliances’ optimum performance.

Choosing the right refrigerator

A refrigerator is one of the most important machinery for personal, commercial, and even for industrial use. With so many types of refrigerators to choose from, it can be challenging to choose the best one that will suit your refrigeration needs. A lot of refrigerator units have their own pros and cons, so it is important to know their features to ensure that you get the best choice out there.

At the same time, it takes a lot of responsibility to own such kinds of machinery. No matter where you live, whether in a tropical or a snowy country, every household and commercial establishments need a refrigerator to keep foods fresh for long. Commercial refrigerators repairs companies are also available in case you need to have your refrigerator unit repaired immediately.

Most refrigerators can last for more than a decade. However, poor maintenance and improper usage can shorten the unit’s lifespan. Also, you may also want to consider replacing your unit if it has outdated features or is already more than 15 years old or so. Bringing it in a commercial kitchen appliance repair center may cost you more money instead of having it replaced instead.

Before that, you should know the different types of refrigerators in the market. Likewise, you should know the common refrigerator shopping mistakes you have to avoid so you won’t waste your money.

Popular types of refrigerator

Apparently, there are more than 20 types of refrigerators available in the market nowadays. These refrigerators vary in features, styles, and finish. Here are some of the most popular ones.

Top freezer

This is one of the most popular and basic refrigerators used in residential and commercial purposes. As the name suggests, the freezer is at the top part of the unit where you can put frozen goods including ice, meat, and ice cream.

Bottom freezer

This is the opposite of the top freezer: the freezer is located instead at the bottom of the unit. This type of refrigerator units are usually more expensive than top freezers, yet are more energy-efficient ones in the market.

French door

This is perhaps one of the more state-of-the-art and more expensive refrigerator units around, thanks to its features. It is a combination of the two-door and bottom freezer refs. Unlike traditional refrigerator units, French door units have wider shelves, deeper drawer freezers, and top shelves that are easy to adjust.


This one is popular in dorms and offices. Obviously it has a smaller storage capacity, but it can work for those with limited room spaces. This is also a perfect choice for those who are looking for a cheaper unit for personal use.

Freezer-less refrigerators

This one has no freezer storage and only intended to cool drinks and keep foods fresh (except frozen goods). Freezerless refrigerators can also help lower your electric bills and save on kitchen space.

Mistakes to avoid in buying a refrigerator unit

For your appliance repair needs, make sure to contact a commercial freezer repairs personnel. Other than that, here are some tips to avoid wasting your money from buying a wrong refrigerator unit.

  • Choose one that will meet your needs. If you have limited space in your kitchen, do not buy bulky units like French doors and the like.
  • Make sure to check the area space first before buying a unit so you won’t regret buying a unit that does not actually fit in the room.
  • Choose a unit that will suit well with the overall theme of your kitchen. There are many ref unit designs you can choose from.
  • Inspect the unit first before buying it. Does it easily open? Are there sharp edges that can cause scratches or injuries?
  • Contact commercial freezer repairs when necessary.

Contact professionals for your appliance repair needs

Call reliable commercial kitchen appliance repair in Fairfax for your appliance repair needs.



The Cool History of Refrigerators

A kitchen is not complete without a refrigerator. To better put it, life is not complete without a refrigerator. Without one, foods will easily spoil. You cannot also be able to gulp down cool and refreshing drinks during a hot day. You cannot produce ice and store your frozen meat for the next day’s meal.

Imagine how your food experience will be if the modern refrigerator has not been invented. Hundreds of years ago, our ancestors relied on ancient methods of food preservation which is may not be as convenient and easily accessible as the modern refrigerators we have in our home. That is why we should take your refrigerators for granted. Likewise, you should call professional commercial refrigerator services if there are repairs needed.

The science of food preservation

You might not imagine how your life will be without a refrigerator. However, food preservation has been around for thousands of years ago. Before freezers and refrigerators were invented, people used to store food in cellars which were usually dug holes lined with straw or wood and filled with ice and snow.

Ancient Indians and Egyptians used earthen pots to make ice by leaving them out during cold evenings. Meanwhile, the ancient Chinese gathered ice from frozen lakes and rivers and stored them in ice cellars.

Fast forward 18th century, a lot of Europeans collected, salted, and wrapped snow ice and then stored in an underground container for a couple of months. A 2004 report from the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers mentioned that ice was able to be shipped elsewhere around the world.

Nowadays, the use of a modern refrigerator accounts to almost 20 percent of total energy consumption globally as per 2015 report from the International Journal of Refrigeration. The use of a food preservation appliance such as a refrigerator is a staple among home and commercial use. Commercial refrigerators repairs services are also available in case you need immediate appliance repairs.

The modern concept of a refrigerator was conceived in the 1700s by a Scottish doctor named William Cullen. According to history, Cullen learned about the cooling effects of evaporation which inspired his breakthrough mechanical invention. However, his important invention was not practical for daily use although it showed great potential.

Several years later, a more practical refrigerating machine was developed by Jacob Perkins in 1834. It used vapor compression in creating cool temperatures which circulated within the machine. Over the years, the design concept of the refrigerating machine evolved and became patented and inspired the modern refrigerators we know of today.

Modern refrigerators

Modern refrigerators are now made by various brands and offer a wide variety of designs, features, and size. There are one-door, two-door, and even four-door refrigerators as well as mini-refrigerators. Some even have state-of-the-art features such as a touchscreen, speakers, and Bluetooth connectivity.

Refrigerators are also being used nowadays for home and commercial use. It has basically become a part of people’s lives. Commercial refrigerator services also became available in case of repairs needed for refrigerator units. As mentioned, there are different types of refrigerators that are available to suit the consumer’s needs.

Types of refrigerators

Among common types of refrigerators include the following. Regardless of the type, it is important to keep it well-maintained at all times. In case of any defects, it is best to call commercial appliances repair personnel immediately.

  • Compressor refrigerator (known for its noisy operation)
  • Absorption refrigerator (uses any source of heat to operate)
  • Peltier refrigerators (also uses electricity)
  • Solar/thermal mass refrigerators (uses less electricity and insulation to operate)
  • Top-freezer refrigerators
  • Bottom-freezer refrigerators
  • American/side-by-side refrigerators (freezer on one side, refrigerator on the other)
  • French refrigerators
  • Compact refrigerators

Taking care of your refrigerator

No matter what type of refrigeration unit you have, it is important to have a regular maintenance schedule. Likewise, contact commercial freezer repairs companies in case your freezer or refrigerator unit shows signs of damage. Here are other tips on taking care of your refrigeration unit.

  • Clean the condenser coils at least twice per year.
  • Make sure to clean and replace the rubber door seal (gasket) if necessary.
  • Have a defrosting schedule for your freezer. If applicable, defrost if there is at least 1 inch-thick ice accumulated in the freezer.
  • Wipe the refrigerator’s interiors using a damp cloth to remove spills, food marks, and crumbs.
  • Use a deodorizer to remove unpleasant odor in your refrigerator.
  • Call commercial kitchen appliance repair companies when necessary. You can find companies offering commercial appliances repair in Springfield. Contact one today!