Key Signs that You Need a New Commercial Refrigerator

Commercial refrigerator services will extend the life of the commercial refrigerator and ensure its working for longer. It’s however important to recognize when your commercial appliance no longer requires repair but replacement. The commercial refrigerator is essential to the success of the restaurant and it’s imperative that its functions as required. The commercial refrigerator repair expert will advise on when to get a new commercial refrigerator, but the below signs are guide to show you when you should replace the refrigerator

Signs that You Need a New Refrigerator

  • Fails to Maintain Cold Temperature Consistently

When the commercial refrigerator can’t maintain cold temperature throughout that means food takes longer to get cold or even gets spoilt and in spite of the commercial refrigerator repairs there is no improvement. Consider buying a new refrigerator to avoid loss of clientele, high power consumption and food getting spoilt

Water Puddles around the Commercial Refrigerator

Several reasons will cause water leaks and that includes a clogged drainage hose, a full evaporation pan, or the gasket and the seal is spoilt. When the seal is spoilt that could result in ice build-up and molds develop in the fridge creating a health problem. Even after the commercial kitchen appliance repair expert has replaced all the above units and the fridge still leaks then the whole unit could be faulty and in that case, consider replacing the whole unit.

Food Spoils Often

If every time you open the fridge it doesn’t cool properly, then that means that the cooling system is not working well. That means that will constantly have to throw food which translates into losses. When the fridge cannot maintain the cold temperature and there is no sound from the compressor then it’s time to get a new refrigerator. The fridge will also tend to consume more power in such an instance. The commercial appliance repair expert will help you know if should replace the refrigerator.

The Refrigerator is too loud and Hot

When the fridge is too hot or making louder humming sound then the condenser is not working. When the condenser is not working it causes the motor to overwork resulting in the loud sounds coming from the fridge. When the condenser fails that means the cooling system is not effective and thus any food in the fridge will keep spoiling.

The fridge is more than 15 Years

If your fridge is more than 15 years it means it has served its time and it’s probably an old model which doesn’t have the power saving mode. It could also be the needs of your business have changed and it no longer serves the purpose. Talk to the commercial appliance repair expert on what qualities to look out for as you get a new refrigerator.

Increased Cost of repair and reduced Efficiency

Every time you call the commercial kitchen appliances team to check on the fridge it cost you money but there is no improved performance, then it’s time to replace the appliance. When the key elements of the fridge start wearing out, then it’s time to replace the fridge. Talk to the commercial refrigerator service expert and they will assess the fridge and advise you on the best course of action.

How to Increase the Efficiency of Your refrigerator

  • Follow the manufacturers manual on how to clean the fridge and products to use. If there is no manual consult the commercial refrigerator service expert on best cleaning practices
  • Train your employees on how to use the fridge and element that need checking and regular cleaning. That will ensure the fridge lasts longer
  • Don’t let food overstay in the fridge
  • Regularly check the fridge to ensure the horse is not clogged. Ensure the service schedule given by the commercial refrigerator service team is followed diligently


If you keep having trouble with your refrigerator consult the commercial appliance repair Virginia experts on whether it’s the right move to replace the appliance. The refrigerator is one of the core appliances that will ensure clients keep coming and it’s important to ensure that it’s in the best condition. It’s important that you recognize when the life of the refrigerator is nearing the end as that will save you money, time and keep your business running.

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