When the commercial freezer breaks, it is not just as simple as paying for an ice dispenser repair. If you have a business, there is a possibility that you will lose a lot of money when you do not get it fixed. Even if there are specifically no problems, you should be aware of the common issues you might encounter. Even if a lot of refrigerators need to be repaired when you experience an issue, you will be more comfortable if you know what it could be.
You can read on to learn more about these common issues.
Power Issues
Is your commercial freezer not turning on? Is the bottle fridge not getting cold? In the restaurant business, these issues getting fixed in a timely manner are important. While you may not require a repair company to run a business or residential service on the unit, you need to be sure that you did not turn it off. You must check to see if the power cord was plugged all the way towards the outlet, as it might have been knocked out from it. if that is not an issue, then you need to check if the wiring outlet and wires are active. The issue might be the power supply and not only the unit. Using a voltage detector that makes sure the outlet has a current-voltage.
Temperature Issues
Obviously, you want the freezer unit to keep things cool when it is unaware that there is an issue. If the fridge is set at the right temperature and it does not keep things cold, which means the thermostat could have an issue. Aside from that, the fridge might have problems such as faulty compressors or dirty fans.
Frost Buildup in the Unit
The commercial freezer needs to have a set defrost cycle, which is helpful in removing frost buildup and even excess condensation. If you do not adjust this cycle properly, the frost can build up quickly. You will be able to find the defrost cycle that occurs in the unit. It is set using a timer that looks like temperature control. You should adjust the cycle of defrosting so the unit will defrost often and this can help fix the problem. If this is not enough to do the trick, you can contact the freezer technician to see if you need to rewire or repair the control.
Compressor Issue
Your unit requires a working compressor so the refrigerator/freezer stays cool. When it is malfunctioning, the unit will not become cold. Sometimes, it is a matter of having to get the compressor cleaned. The dirt, grease, and other substances will build up inside the compressor and causes it to malfunction. You must clean the compressor every 90 days. Therefore, if it has been longer than 90 days, you want to prioritize this.
Ice Building up in the Drain Pan
A freezer unit has a drain pan that may require emptying and if you notice there is ice inside the pan, this normally means there is a clog in the drain. The water will not drain out and it becomes icy before that happens. If you ignore this, it can completely clog the drain line, which causes the unit to heat up or the water to go back into the unit.
If you need to pay for commercial freezer repairs Northern VA, you can do it anytime and these people will come to help you and your business.